LPVEC increases the capacity of school districts and supports the success of all students by providing high-quality, shared programs and services in a cost-effective manner.
The primary purpose of LPVEC is to accomplish this mission in the member districts: Agawam, East Longmeadow, Hampden-Wilbraham Regional, Longmeadow, Ludlow, Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional, and West Springfield.
LPVEC provides the following programs and services and also, upon approval of the Board, any additional programs and services which merit attention:
Career and Technical Education – A unique, half-day program serving 478 students, allowing them to maintain membership in their home districts while gaining career/technical instruction in a state-of-the-art facility.
Special and Alternative Education – Services to approximately 60 students aged 5 to 22 years who demonstrate a wide variety of exceptional learning needs, including adjustment and behavioral problems, learning disabilities, Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disabilities, Asperger’s Syndrome, and developmental disabilities.
School Transportation Services – Regular education transportation for five member districts; special education transportation for seven member districts.
Municipal Medicaid Reimbursement – Proprietary software and knowledgeable support helps 58 districts/municipalities receive federal reimbursement for health services delivered to Medicaid-eligible children with disabilities.
Energy Management Program – Cooperative purchasing of a variety of energy related utilities for 54 districts/municipalities .
Job-Alike Groups – Regular meetings of superintendents, curriculum directors, special education directors, principals, and business managers.
Other Educator Support Services – LPVEC staff provide a variety of services to support educators, including: professional development, data analysis, technical assistance regarding education initiatives, program evaluation, and grant support.